Pakistan should withdraw anti-dumping duty imposed on BOPP from UAE: WTO

Pakistan should withdraw the antidumping duty imposed on Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film (BOPP) from the United Arab Emirates, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in a report.
As per the WTO panel issues report regarding Pakistan duties on BOPP film from the UAE, the WTO found that Pakistan’s final determination of 9 April 2015 and sunset review determination of 1 December 2016 is inconsistent with a number of Articles of the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
The dispute concerns a challenge to successive anti-dumping duty measures that Pakistan adopted on imports of biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film from, among other sources, the United Arab Emirates.
The WTO report recommended that Pakistan bring its measures into conformity with its obligations under the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
It said that the UAE also asks WTO to suggest ways in which Pakistan could implement this recommendation.
“Specifically, the United Arab Emirates asks us to suggest that Pakistan ‘terminate the duties imposed” and “refund the anti-dumping duties collected”.
“Because of the fundamental nature and pervasiveness of the inconsistencies we have found, we suggest that Pakistan implement our recommendation by withdrawing the anti-dumping measures it has imposed on BOPP film from the United Arab Emirates. We decline however to suggest that Pakistan refund the anti-dumping duties already paid,” the WTO report recommended.