Tariffs Are Necessary For Combating The China Threat

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses an unprecedented threat to global stability and American interests. As the CCP aggressively pursues economic dominance and military superiority, the United States must employ every tool at its disposal to counter this challenge. Among these tools, tariffs stand out as a potent weapon in the economic war against communist China.

The CCP’s ambitions are clear and alarming. Under the guise of “peaceful rise,” the party has systematically exploited the global economic system, engaged in widespread intellectual property theft, and pursued predatory trade practices that have decimated American manufacturing. The CCP’s ultimate goal is not merely economic success, but global hegemony, with the United States as its primary obstacle.

To achieve this aim, the CCP has embarked on an aggressive military modernization program. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has set ambitious milestones: by 2027, it aims to be capable of forcibly “reunifying” Taiwan; by 2035, it seeks to become an “intelligentized” force leveraging AI and quantum computing; and by 2049, it aspires to field a world-class military capable of challenging U.S. global influence. These are not mere aspirations but concrete plans backed by massive investments.

The CCP’s military budget, officially reported at $233 billion in 2024, likely understates actual spending. When accounting for hidden costs such as research and development, space and cyber operations, and paramilitary activities, China’s true military expenditure could reach a staggering $700 billion. This rapid militarization, fueled by the wealth generated through unfair trade practices, poses a direct threat to U.S. national security and global stability.

In the face of this challenge, higher tariffs on Chinese imports emerge as a crucial strategy. By imposing substantial costs on Chinese goods entering the U.S. market, tariffs serve multiple critical functions. First, they protect U.S. supply chains from CCP influence and potential sabotage. Second, they create strong incentives for rebuilding American manufacturing capacity, reducing dangerous dependencies on a hostile power. Third, they generate jobs within the United States, strengthening our economic foundation. Fourth, they provide leverage for building coalitions with allies who share concerns about CCP aggression. Perhaps most importantly, tariffs reduce the flow of American money into CCP coffers, directly impacting the party’s ability to fund its military ambitions.

Critics argue that higher tariffs will raise prices for American consumers. While this may be true in the short term, it ignores the long-term costs of allowing the CCP to continue its economic predation unchecked. The U.S. intelligence community consistently identifies China as the top threat to national security. In light of this assessment, it is unconscionable to allow American dollars to flow freely into the hands of a regime actively working to undermine U.S. interests and global stability.

Moreover, the price increases caused by tariffs create opportunities for increased domestic production. This not only helps rebuild the U.S. industrial base but also secures critical supply chains against CCP interference. By cutting China out of key industries, we reduce opportunities for technology theft and forced intellectual property transfers, hidden costs of doing business with the CCP that have long plagued American companies.

The CCP’s economic strategy relies heavily on maintaining access to the U.S. market while denying reciprocal access to American firms. Higher tariffs disrupt this exploitative model, forcing the CCP to confront the consequences of its actions. As China’s economy already struggles to meet growth targets, increased tariffs could significantly impair the regime’s ability to fund its military modernization and global expansion plans.

Furthermore, tariffs can serve as a powerful tool for building international coalitions against CCP aggression. By offering incentives for companies from allied nations to manufacture in the United States, we can strengthen economic ties with key partners like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and European nations. This not only bypasses Chinese manufacturing but also aligns our allies’ economic interests more closely with our own, creating a united front against CCP economic warfare.

The revenue generated by tariffs on Chinese goods essentially functions as a voluntary tax, paid only by those who choose to purchase Chinese products despite the increased cost. This additional income helps fund U.S. government operations and services without raising income taxes, which would affect all Americans regardless of their purchasing choices. Importantly, this revenue stays in Washington, supporting American interests rather than flowing to Beijing to fund the PLA’s expansion.

Critics of tariffs often fail to acknowledge the hidden costs of free trade with China. The loss of manufacturing capabilities, the erosion of the U.S. industrial base, and the transfer of critical technologies to a strategic competitor have all occurred under the guise of “free trade.” These costs, while less immediately visible than consumer price increases, pose a far greater long-term threat to American prosperity and security. In conclusion, higher tariffs on Chinese imports are not merely an economic policy but a national security imperative. The CCP’s aggressive pursuit of military superiority, coupled with its predatory economic practices, demands a robust response. By implementing substantial tariffs, the United States can protect its economic interests, rebuild its industrial capacity, and directly challenge the CCP’s ability to fund its global ambitions. The time for half-measures has passed. Only by taking decisive action can we hope to counter the CCP’s threat and preserve American leadership in the face of this unprecedented challenge

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